Admixture K=12, HRP0021-HRP0030

Here are their ethnic backgrounds and the results spreadsheet. Also relevant are the reference I admixture results and this batch's results at lower K.

Batch 3 Admixture K=12

If you guys can confirm that the interactive bar chart is working well for you, then this is the last static bar plot.

PS. This was run using Admixture version 1.04.


  1. The bar charts work for me; quick q how come you don't put the ethnic backgrounds on the chart?

    Also personally as a Pakiranian its interesting how there's a distinctive "Pakistani" component but not an "Iranian" one. One would have thought thought it should be the other way round since all my life I've been hearing that Pak is a 50yr old nation while Iran is a 5,000yr old state.

    I guess genes are teaching us about the integrity of the Indus Valley cultures, despite the huge ethnic and cultural difference we're constantly imbibing.

    Are we allowed to make political/cultural inferences from the data 😀

    • I don't put ethnic backgrounds on the charts themselves because I want everyone to see these participants as individuals and not just as representatives of an ethnicity. Their results might or might not be typical for their ethnic group. However, now that I am using Google charts, I am going to get the ethnicity info integrated into the post as well.