Here are the admixture results using Reference 3 for Harappa participants HRP0181 to HRP0190.
You can see the participant results in a spreadsheet as well as their ethnic breakdowns and the reference population results.
Here's our bar chart and table. Remember you can click on the legend or the table headers to sort.
If the above interactive charts are not working, here's a static bar graph.
HRP0181 is half-Punjabi Jatt and half-English and the admixture results are not too different from the average of the reference British and our other Punjabi Jatt participants.
HRP0183, a Khatri, has fairly high European component, less than the Jatts but higher than most other South Asians.
HRP0186 is the most West Asian (and thus least European) of all our Georgian participants.
HRP0188,a Haryana Jatt, has the highest European component (29%) of all South Asians I think. I am surprised at the results for the two Haryana Jatts. I would not have expected their results to be much different from the Punjabi Jatts. If anything, I thought the Haryanavis would be less European than the Punjabis. Now I want to get a few non-Jatt Haryanavi participants. Anybody know someone?
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