Tag Archives: malaysia

Reich et al and Pan-Asian Datasets

I got access to the Reich et al (Nature 2009) dataset used in their paper "Reconstructing Indian population history".

It has the following populations:

Aonaga Aus Bhil
Chenchu Great_Andamanese Hallaki
Kamsali Kashmiri_Pandit Kharia
Kurumba Lodi Madiga
Mala Meghawal Naidu
Nysha Onge Sahariya
Santhal Satnami Siddi
Somali Srivastava Tharu
Vaish Velama Vysya

There are 141 individuals with 587,753 SNPs in their dataset which conveniently is in PED format.

Also, Blaise pointed me to the Pan-Asian SNP data used in the Dec 2009 Science paper "Mapping Human Genetic Diversity in Asia".

It includes the following 71 populations:

Maya Auca Quechua Karitiana Pima
Ami Atayal Melanesians Zhuang Han_Cantonese
Hmong Jiamao Jinuo Han_Shanghai Uyghur
Wa Alorese Dayak Javanese Batak_Karo
Lamaholot Lembata Malay Mentawai Manggarai
Kambera Sunda Batak_Toba Toraja Andhra_Pradesh
Karnataka Bengali-Assamese Rajasthan Uttaranchal Uttar Pradesh
Haryana Spiti Bhili Marathi Japanese
Ryukyuan Korean Bidayuh Jehai Kelantan
Kensiu Temuan Ayta Agta Ati
Iraya Minanubu Mamanwa Filipino Singapore_Chinese
Singapore_Indian Singapore_Malay Hmong (Miao) Karen Lawa
Mlabri Mon Paluang Plang Tai_Khuen
Tai_Lue H'tin Tai_Yuan Tai_Yong Yao
Hakka Minnan

It has 1,719 individuals with 54,794 SNPs. I wish it had more SNPs considering the wealth of populations.

Also, the Pan-Asian data is in the form of minor allele counts, so I need to convert that back to A/C/G/T. Since there are some HapMap populations included in the dataset, that shouldn't be too hard.

I am going to include both these datasets into my big reference set.